5 false myths about pizza.

As experts in Italian food and on the occasion of #pizzaday, we want to debunk some false myths or popular beliefs about the most universal dish in Italian cuisine.

The pizza is round.

The round pizza is a macro-category that includes the queen of pizzas: the Neapolitan and its imitator, the American pizza, but in places like Rome, Genoa or Sicily the most popular is the pizza al taglio – literally “pizza by the slice”, made in rectangular trays and sold by the slice according to weight. The establishments usually have many flavours of pizza, normally with one or two ingredients, configured according to local tastes.

Pizza alla Pala is another type of rectangular pizza that originated in Roman bakeries as a way to use up leftover bread dough. Bakers would roll out the dough lengthwise, top it with fresh toppings, and serve it in slices on a wooden paddle.

Biribox Pizza Day

Pizza always has mozzarella and tomato.
Sfincione pizza is the most popular pizza in Sicily. Its name comes from the Sicilian language and its translation would be “sponge pizza” since its dough is higher than the Neapolitan one and it is quite similar to focaccia. It is characterized by never having mozzarella and is made only with tomato sauce and as additions, onion, anchovies, oregano and a little Sicilian cheese.

And if you hate tomatoes... you'll love pizza bianca or white pizza, without tomato sauce but lots and lots of cheese. It's usually eaten in Rome, where it's known as pizza e fichi, but it's very popular all over the country. In Naples, pizza bianca is the name given to any pizza that doesn't have tomato, either in sauces or in slices or cherry tomatoes.

Pizza is always made in the oven.
Fried pizza or pan-fried pizza debunks the common belief that pizzas are always made in the oven.
Pizza fritta, a classic Neapolitan street food, comes in many different shapes. For example, montanara is round and calzone is crescent-shaped, you could say they are similar to Spanish empanadas.
Pizza al padellino, or “pan pizza” is typical of Turin and is a type of pizza that is baked in small, round trays. Delicious!

biribox pizza day

Pizza makes you fat.
Authentic Italian pizzas are nothing like the overstuffed pizzas from the big American chains where cheese and sauces overflow onto thick, pre-cooked dough.

Traditional pizzas such as Neapolitan, Sicilian, or Roman pinsas are made with much lighter doughs and are the result of natural fermentation processes.
Ingredients such as tomato sauces, cheeses and, from there, a host of raw materials that sneak in can turn an innocent pizza into a calorie bomb.

It's complicated to make pizza at home.
Most of us turn to supermarket pizza bases, but making our own easy homemade pizza recipe is a much simpler process than we think, especially if we have the right ingredients, especially flour, since not just any flour will do.
At Biribox you can find the special Caputo flour for making pizza and we assure you that it won't fail!

1 kilogram of Caputo pizza flour
1 teaspoon fine salt
2½ cups warm water
2 tablespoons of olive oil
30 grams of fresh yeast


1. Mix the warm water with the fresh yeast in a bowl. To make a homemade pizza dough you can easily use this type of yeast or make a pizza dough with dry yeast, both are valid. If you prefer dry yeast, you should mix it with the flour and if, on the other hand, you prefer fresh yeast, it is essential to mix it with warm water.
2. Once you have mixed the yeast with the water, add the two tablespoons of oil. Mix well to combine all the pizza ingredients.
3. Before the mixture cools, add the flour and salt to a large bowl, forming a volcano shape. Pour the mixture into the centre.
Knead well until you notice that the dough stops sticking to your hands and you can handle it without problems.
4. When you have the fluffy pizza dough ready, you will need to shape it into a long tube and cut it into 4 portions which you will shape into a ball.
5. Cover the dough with a clean, dry cloth. Let it rest for 45 minutes. You will see that, little by little, it will begin to rise until it doubles in volume.
6. After the appropriate time has passed, sprinkle a little flour on a table. Now you should spread it with your hands, stretching it from the center to the sides, giving it a circular shape. If you have a rolling pin, you can also use it to make the dough thinner.

It's tomato sauce time and good news! At Biribox we have the favourites of Italian pizza masters. Mutti Sauces

In our store you can find everything from peeled tomatoes, ideal for making an excellent homemade tomato sauce like our grandmothers used to make, to ready-made sauces like Aromatic Pizza Sauce or Passata Sauce , which will be perfect on your homemade pizza.
And if you want to give it a final spicy touch... we recommend the Gocce Piccanti Olive Oil from Calabria

Or a gourmet touch with Tartufi Jimmy 's truffle oils

From Biribox we wish you a happy #pizzaday and we invite you to celebrate it with a pizza, whether round or square, pan-fried or baked, with or without tomato. Always delicious!