Gragnano, the city of pasta.


Receta Express

Three easy tiramisu recipes.

Tiramisu is probably the most beloved Italian dessert by sweet tooths around the world and it is no wonder because it is a delicious mix of texture...

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Did you know that the first Italian tomatoes were yellow?

As the name suggests, tomatoes were not always red. In fact, the first ones to arrive in Italy were called "yellow apples" or "golden apples" and h...

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Receta Express

Tips to cool off this summer in a healthy and delicious way.

Summer is here! Our routines change, our free time increases, and our body and mind go into vacation mode. A wonderful state that oscillates betwee...

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Five delicious, healthy and colorful pasta salads.

With the arrival of warm weather comes lunches and dinners with friends or family. The desire to complicate things in the kitchen also seems to tak...

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gastronomia ¿lo sabías?

Markets and street food in Italy. Authenticity and flavour ready to taste.

If you are an adventurous foodie who likes to discover gastronomic treasures and loves street food, don't hesitate: Italy is your destination. The...

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Biribox, a hit among food professionals at Salón Gourmets.

We are back from Salón Gourmets with very good feelings, Biribox has won over and convinced food professionals and the most gourmet palates. Once a...

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Four recipes from chef Marçal Hortigüela to celebrate "Carbonara Day".

Every April 6th, Italians proudly celebrate one of their most iconic dishes: carbonara. A well-deserved tribute, already world-class, to a recipe o...

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gastronomia ¿lo sabías?

Taralli, you won't be able to resist this Italian delicacy. Recipe.

Once you try them, you won't be able to live without them. These small, golden doughnuts have gone from being a humble staple food to a gourmet del...

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gastronomia Receta Express

3 gluten-free pasta recipes full of flavor.

What an invention gluten-free pasta is! Thanks to it, celiacs can enjoy delicious dishes like the ones we share with you. Take out your apron and t...

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gastronomia pizza Receta Express ¿lo sabías?

5 false myths about pizza.

As experts in Italian food and on the occasion of #pizzaday, we want to debunk some false myths or popular beliefs about the most universal dish in...

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Receta Express Recetas con food cost

Pasta Amatriciana. Easy, delicious and with an incredible food cost for your business.

Today we bring you this classic recipe from the Lazio region. It is a very easy sauce to prepare that is traditionally combined with long pastas su...

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Gourmet products for your business.

We are launching a new family at Biribox! If you come into our store you will see that we have made a selection of premium products with the most g...

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gastronomia ¿lo sabías?

Gragnano, the city of pasta.

The charming little town of Gragnano, in the province of Naples, is known worldwide as the capital of Italian pasta. There are several reasons that...

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Receta Express

Casa Losito gives us great ideas to decorate the panettone.

Authentic Italian panettone is such a delicious treat that you don't even need an appetite to die for it. In Italy, it is customary to put it in th...

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gastronomia Recetas con food cost

5 truffle recipes to surprise this Christmas.

With Christmas just around the corner, the question that arises every year arises: what am I going to surprise my guests with? At Biribox we have t...

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café ¿lo sabías?

Italian espresso coffee. Offer your customers the best coffee in the world.

To understand the importance that Italians attach to a good cup of coffee, we have to go back centuries. Although the origin of coffee is in Africa...

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panetone ¿lo sabías?

Panettone, the Italian sweet that conquers the Spanish at Christmas.

The arrival of panettone in supermarkets and shops announces the proximity of Christmas. In Spain, the number of fans of this Christmas sweet is in...

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gastronomia ¿lo sabías?

What do people eat in Italy on All Saints' Day? An Italian Halloween

In Italy, as in Spain, traditions persist to celebrate All Saints' Day "Giorno dei Morti" and All Souls' Day "Ognissanti", November 1 and 2. Althou...

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pizza ¿lo sabías?

Pizza or pinsa, the secret is in the dough.

There is probably no inhabitant of the planet Earth who does not know or has not tried pizza, the Italian dish par excellence along with pasta, but...

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gastronomia Recetas con food cost

3 Ways to Use Peeled Tomatoes in Your Kitchen.

Canned peeled tomatoes are a versatile ingredient that can make all the difference in your business kitchen. In this special article, we will explo...

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gastronomia ¿lo sabías?

Italian truffles. A traditional delicacy that cannot be missing from your table.

With the arrival of autumn, the first truffles arrive in Italian kitchens, a product highly appreciated by gourmet palates around the world due to ...

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gastronomia ¿lo sabías?

Do not be fooled. How to distinguish an authentic balsamic vinegar from Modena.

Balsamic vinegar has gone from being a product only appreciated by gourmets to filling supermarket shelves and becoming the favorite dressing in ma...

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gastronomia ¿lo sabías?

Pistachios from Sicily, a treasure of Italian gastronomy.

Italy can boast of being one of the countries with the most gastronomic treasures in the world. Its varied territory, from the green north to the b...

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gastronomia ¿lo sabías?

Italian cuisine, on its way to being declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO

The Italian government has begun all the procedures to have its kitchen declared Intangible Heritage by UNESCO but we will have to wait, as a deadl...

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